March 28th, 2023

Carnets, Border Crossings and Free CDs

Carnets are not a new thing. The ATA carnet was introduced in the 1960s and really are quite a handy and efficient way to transport goods across international borders. They are new to UK>EU>UK travellers though. Introduced on the backside of Brexit to the great expense and inconvenience of many a touring musician.
You can find out a whole load of information about carnets, how to apply and lots more (including this video) at

Sure facts and videos are great but experience is the best teacher. Our omnipresent Tour Manager Ian Thompson recently crossed into France for with touring band Porij in a splitter van as they travelled across Europe on tour with Franc Moody.

Porij at Calais carnet office

Charming a group of hardened border guards is never an easy task. Tired, stressed, overworked and underpaid. These bi-lingual legends don’t need much of an excuse to cause delays to your day by ensuring all of the paperwork is correct. Delays at the border are stressful due to the guns, dogs and seriousness of the whole area. It’s not fun to have a crazed US border guard shout at you for parking at the disabled bay in the snow but that’s another story.

So, how do we ensure smooth progress, happy border guards and fast, efficient passport and carnet stamps? It’s like everything with tour management, the key is in the preparation. A free CD doesn’t hurt either, Border Guards may be bored and enjoy chatting on occasion.

To apply for the ATA carnet you’ll need a list of all equipment on tour. Every item including flight cases, cables, guitairs, amps, everything you have that’s crossing the border. You’ll need this list accompanied by every items’ serial number, make, model, place of manufacturer and some other details. We can send you a template - just ask!

Got the list? Send it over and depending on the total value of goods the cost of the carnet can be determined. There are some great companies offering a complete ATA carnet service as part of their overall offering. We like Rock It Global to name just one. We also like to save money for our clients if possible and complete the formalities on your behalf whenever sensible.

So, please remember to do this in plenty of time. What was that word again? Preparation.

Once, the carnet is in your hand, with the details tip top and ready to go, you might want to compete the initial export and import forms with details of your transport and packagaing. Your tour manager and team may like to colour code and number your touring cases and boxes to help in case of any inspections. Who doesn’t love tearing flourescent tape and getting the Sharpie out? Very satisfying!

Sounds like you’re ready to go to the border, have you got your passport? Did you remember the ATA carnet for the gear? Great!

The Musicians Union have an excellent blog on ATA carnets -

and check out this first hand experience from Carry on Touring’s website -

We’ve created and will continue to update the Google Map below with ATA carnet checkpoint locations. Please save and share this map with your touring friends.

ATA carnet check point locations.